Lectures and Sermons of Shree Shree Bijoy Krishna Goswami (Gosaiji) |
![]() Sadguru Shree Shree Bijoy Krishna Goswami (Gosaiji) |
Sl. No. 10 - Sermon - (Oh Lord. I want only you—I cannot live without you)
Dhaka - East Bengal Brahmomandir Worshipping the Supreme Lord is a very easy but also a very difficult task. Worship is possible only when the soul wholeheartedly wants Him. Not otherwise. I am worshipping the Lord—I am using different words to sing His praise. But when I search my soul, I find that my heart does not really worship the Lord. I then feel that I have achieved nothing by all these. Worship of God is prevalent among all the nations of the world in some form or other. There is some essence in human beings that prompts them to worship God. When I look inside my soul, I see where He is and where I am. As long as a child’s intelligence has not developed, he can be kept engaged with various toys and made to forget anything else. But on completion of his childhood and his games he no longer remains happy with toys. Similarly as long as a man remains engaged in games of delusion, he remains unmindful, being involved in various playthings. But as soon as his game ends, he no longer remains satisfied with these playthings. His heart wants to hold that eternal true Lord. His life becomes restless until he achieves that. The kind omniscient Lord is always nearby. He grants whatever the soul wants at any time. When the soul says, “Oh Lord. I want only you—I cannot live without you”, then the kind Supreme Lord appears in the heart. It is no hollow talk that he can really be seen. Just as the Supreme Lord is perceptible by senses, so He should be seen in one’s own heart. Otherwise only getting used to talks and certain rituals will be of no help. Just as a thirsty person does not speak any accustomed and tutored talks and speaks only the things that come from within, in the same manner the kind hearted God appears owing to a call of thirst for Him. Nothing is as close a thing to us as Him. If my soul wants I can say at least once, “Oh Lord I want only you. I have no option but you—please appear in my heart—my heart does not want anything but to worship you—it wants only you”. Instantly He appears. Oh Lord, do kindly appear in my heart. Let my mind and soul be blessed by you.